5 Ways You Can Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

Summer is filled with fun things like barbecues and beach trips, but the heat is not one of them. A day by the pool may be relaxing, but keeping the heat out of your house is a concern for many homeowners. Since air conditioning (AC) can be costly at times, you may be wondering what other things you can do to keep your home feeling nice and refreshing throughout the summer. Look no further, below are five things you can do to help keep your home cool in the summer.  

Windows and Blinds

While it may seem basic, blocking light from coming into your home is one way to reduce the temperature indoors. Did you know that around 30 percent of unwanted heat in your home comes through your windows? During the day, keeping your shades or blinds closed can help reduce your temperature by 20 degrees.

If you don’t have shades and are interested in getting some for your home, a popular style is cellular shades. These are lightweight, offer a modern look, and are durable. Not only will this reduce the natural light intake, but your home will also feel significantly more comfortable.

If you want to reduce the heat but keep some of your natural light intake, another thing you can do to is add window films. This is an effective and cost-efficient method that blocks light from entering and protects you from UV rays. Adding films to your windows can help lower the amount of heat that enters your home by up to 78%. An additional benefit of films is that you can install them yourself.

In general, summer nights consist of cooler weather. If you live somewhere where overnight temps are in the mid-70s or lower, you should begin opening your windows and watch as the cooler air quickly replaces the warm air in your home.


Having a dehumidifier in your home is a great way to help keep your home cool and refreshing throughout the summer. A dehumidifier reduces the level of moisture in the air. Combining this with a fan can leave your home feeling more comfortable. Below are the benefits of adding a dehumidifier to your home:

  • Reduces the amount of moisture in the air, thus making your home feel cooler
  • Removes dust mites and improves your air quality 
  • Protects your home from mold growth 

Generally, your standard dehumidifier can reduce your rooms humidity by 35-40% and works best in rooms that are 70 degrees or higher. 

Fan Tricks

If you have a ceiling fan, a common practice is to flip the switch located on the fan’s housing to allow the blades to rotate counterclockwise. Having your blades rotate counterclockwise pushes the warm air up and will help remove it from your home.

Another trick is to create an artificial breeze by placing a box fan in your window. Positioning your box fan in the window can help you push unwanted hot air out of your home. While placing your fan facing out of the window helps you get rid of unwanted warm air, flipping the fan so it’s blowing indoors can help keep you cool if the air is outside is cooler than it is inside.  

One hack you can do is fill a bowl full of ice or ice packs and place it in front of your fan. As you allow the fan to blow, this will mimic the fresh breeze AC units give off. Don’t forget to replace the ice as it begins to melt.

As many use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove steam, they can also be used to help keep your home cool. Turning this fan on helps draw out heat from the area where they are located and can make a noticeable difference.  

Keep Chill and Break out the Grill

Using your oven and stove creates heat resulting in a warmer home. If you have a grill, this is a great way to make food and keep your home cool. By cooking outside of your home, you’re removing the heat that your oven would normally create, thus keeping unwanted heat out. 

If you do want to use your oven, it’s best to use it at night when outside temps begin to decrease, or use your oven at a lower temperature and let your food cook a little longer. 

Turn Off the Lights Don’t Light a Candle

This may not be a surprise, but it’s easy to forget that light bulbs generate heat and add heat to your home. If you have incandescent bulbs, you may want to consider replacing them with LED light bulbs. Due to their high efficiency, less energy is converted into heat which will result in a cooler room. The biggest thing here is to remember to turn off the lights when you leave rooms you are not occupying. This will help you reduce your home temperature levels and even save you some money.

Summertime is a great time of year for activities both indoor and outdoors. One thing you want to ensure you do is keep the warm air out and the cold in your home. If you’re looking to save money by not using your A/C unit, these are five great ways you can keep your home feeling fresh throughout the summer.

Do you have unique ways to keep your home cool? We want to know what tricks you use to help keep your home cool in the summer. Drop us a comment on one of our social media channels and let us know!

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