Mortgage Calculators
Use these calculators to assist in planning, estimating, and exploring your financial options.
Term Comparison Calculator
Compare monthly payments and interest costs of home mortgages at various loan term lengths.
Mortgage Amortization
Compute a mortgage’s monthly payment amount based on the principal amount borrowed, the length of the loan, and the annual interest rate.
Consolidation and Refi
Decide whether you should refinance a single mortgage or consolidate a first and second mortgage into a single mortgage.
Payoff Calculator
Find out the additional monthly payment you will need to make on your current mortgage to pay it off within a specified number of years.
Refinancing Calculator
See if you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate.
Renter Affordability Calculator
Estimate the mortgage you could afford from your monthly rent payment, downpayment, potential property taxes, and homeowner’s insurance.
Tax Savings Calculator
Estimate your tax savings from your deductible interest and property tax payments.
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