Low-Cost Ways to Improve the Appeal of a Home

Some homeowners might be considering selling their homes due to the costs of housing in various locations in the U.S. Many could sell their home for considerably more than it is worth, keeping the difference, and then relocate to a location that has a less expensive cost of living.

However, there are a number of homeowners who may want to keep their home regardless of the value, simply because it is exactly where they want to live, and make it the best version it can possibly be.

If you’re looking to improve the appeal of your home or think you may be selling in the near future, here are some low-cost ways to make your home the best version it can be.

Home Improvements

Some home improvements will make the home larger and more comfortable for a growing family, increase the usefulness of the home, or make the home more attractive. Regardless of whether the homeowner wants to sell the home for a profit or increase the equity of the home, there are numerous home improvement projects that should be considered.

The addition of usable square footage is an excellent way to make the home larger.

In locations that have limited square feet in the home, increasing the square feet of the living space makes a lot of financial sense. This is particularly true in homes that have living space with limited square feet.

One factor in how homes are typically priced is the square footage of the living space that they contain – so, the more square feet of living space, the better. Consequently, the addition of a great room or a bathroom can increase the value and function of the home. Think about how new rooms or additional living space might factor into your plans for your own home.

Declutter and Clean

Decluttering and deep cleaning a home can increase the value of a home by as much as $4,000. Even if you don’t sell the home, you can take advantage of less clutter to stress over, becoming more organized, and making better use of the home.

Decluttering and cleaning the home may require a considerable amount of effort, but it is relatively inexpensive. Homeowners can make a donation heap, going through closets and cabinets and collection items that are no longer needed. Cleaning out storage areas such as drawers will add to the donation heap.

As an added benefit, someone will find use for the items you no longer need.

Making a Home More Efficient

There are several different ways to improve the efficiency of a home. Many of these methods to improve the efficiency of a home don’t cost a fortune. For example, installing a smart thermostat or kitchen remodeling  may save you money and is an excellent way to improve the efficiency of a home.

You will be able to have control of the climate in the home from anywhere with the right smart thermostat. Regardless of whether you are away on vacation or on the couch, this will you the power to manage energy costs. Such investments in home tech, especially when connected to the HVAC – the most important mechanical system in the home – will highlight the overall convenience, energy efficiency, functionality, and tell overall comfort of the home.

By adding insulation to the home, replacing leaky old windows, and purchasing home appliances that are energy efficient are some additional ways to improve the efficiency of a home.

Painting the Home

Regardless if you are upgrading the paint on the outside or the inside of the home, painting works wonders in any home. A fresh coat of paint can even make the oldest interiors and exteriors look new and is reasonably priced as well.

You should begin by painting the rooms that have an antiquated or different color scheme. For instance, a great place to start would be if you allowed your 11-year daughter to paint her bedroom hot pink some 20 years ago. Time to say goodbye to the crayon!

In addition, who doesn’t love fresh paint and new carpet!? Some homebuyers in the market may want to purchase a fixer-upper, but not all. They would much rather move right in.

Reselling the Home

A recent survey of real estate agents determined that the exterior of a home might play a much larger role in the value of the home than most homeowners might believe. This survey demonstrated that some 76% of the best real estate agents in the county agreed that curb appeal is the most important thing that a homeowner can take to increase the value as well as the marketability of the home.

Before you decide what to do to increase the value of the home, a knowledgeable real estate agent might know a list of things that offer the most increase in the value home. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re planning on selling your home!

Whether you’re planning on selling your home, or just want to make your home feel new again, home improvements, decluttering, or a new coat of paint can be great ways to get the job done. Do you have other low cost ways to improve the appeal of your home? Drop us a comment on one of our social media channels and let us know!

The included content is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional advice. Additional terms and conditions apply. Not all applicants will qualify. Consult with a finance professional for tax advice or a mortgage professional to address your mortgage questions or concerns. This is an advertisement. Prepared 8/16/2020.