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Guest Blog Posts

Thanks for reaching out about a guest post!

The FHM Blog delivers helpful, timely, and relevant content to our readers. The majority of our content focuses on homeownership and financial advice. The tone and purpose behind our blog support our core company value of connecting the people in our communities to one of the most important aspects of their lives – their homes. We appreciate your offer to contribute to this valuable and growing online resource.

Technical Requirements
for FHM Guest Blog Posts

As we work to prepare great content, the purpose of our blog drives and motivates our efforts. To deliver on that charge, we maintain stringent quality standards. We have shared those considerations below for you to incorporate into your guest post.

  • All of our guest posts are original concepts.
    We want to feature your compelling content. We’re looking for topics of value to our mutual readership, and for you to bring a unique approach when engaging visitors to the FHM Blog.
  • The tone and style will reflect our FHM Blog guidelines.
    We stay away from jargon and complicated industry terms. Our aim is to be casual, helpful, and empowering. We write to be inclusive of all levels of learning and financial experience.
  • All data and quotes must be attributed.
    If you’re referencing research or using a quote from someone, it must be properly attributed with a link to the source.
  • We will link back to your site once in the post.
    Once we have identified mutual congruence between our organizations, and ensured your post meets our quality standards, we will be happy to ensure one link to your website is included in the post.
  • The post will include 2-3 links to other, relevant FHM blog posts.
    It’s a good SEO practice, but more importantly to us, it helps make the reader’s journey through learning about homeownership easily navigable on our website.
  • FHM will maintain full editorial authority over the content.
    We reserve the right to adapt your guest content as we see fit, and to periodically update and edit the content to ensure it’s up-to-date.
  • FHM will own and retain all rights to the content.
    We would love for you to share links back to the post on our website for your portfolio on our own website, and anywhere you choose, but you won’t be able to republish or cross-post the article on any other websites or blogs.

We hope you’ve found this information helpful as you prepare your guest post for our website.

– The FHM Marketing Team