What Questions Should You Ask When Deciding on a Mortgage Lender?

As you begin the home buying process and start looking into how you’ll finance your home, you’ll undoubtedly have a lot of questions swirling in your head.

If it’s your first time buying a home, you’ll have even more questions and concerns than others who have been through this process before. But what are the key questions you should ask your potential mortgage lender? Which ones are the most important to ask right from the very beginning? What should your lender’s answer be?

We will aim to answer all of those questions and more in this blog post, which will help you find the best mortgage lender and best financing option for your next home.

Which Mortgage Program is Best for My Financial Situation?

The first question you’ll probably be asking yourself as you begin to look into financing for your new home is which loan program you should use.

There are many loan options out there today, and to find the best option for you, you’ll want an experienced loan officer who takes the time to review your personal financial situation closely, taking into consideration the type of property and location where you’re purchasing or building. Then, they can use all of that information to recommend tailored loan programs for you.

They might even be able to find down payment and closing cost assistance options or programs with special interest rate options like USDA financing.

What Qualifications Will I Need to Meet?

As you start narrowing down the list of loan programs you might use to buy your home, you’ll then want to start thinking about the qualification criteria for any that you’re likely to utilize.

Most loan programs have minimum credit scores that you’ll need to meet in order to qualify for the loan. Additionally, you’ll want to check into how much of a down payment the loan program will require and consider the income requirements that you’ll need to meet to be able to afford the monthly mortgage payment.

A top-notch loan officer will be able to help you navigate these qualifications and make loan program recommendations based on where you stand with your personal finances taken into account.

Can I Take Advantage of Down Payment or Closing Cost Assistance?

Why pay more when you can pay less, right? Many first-time homebuyers will have heard about down payment or closing cost assistance programs. So, that’s definitely a question you’ll want to raise with any company that you’re looking into using to get a mortgage for your home.

Most programs that offer down payment or closing cost assistance are local to your area or state. Your loan officer should be an expert on these and should be able to help you compare those options to other types of loans to ensure you’re getting the best overall option for you.

What Will My Interest Rate Be?

Here’s a question that will come up from every buyer, no matter if you’re a novice or an experienced buyer: What is my interest rate?

This is probably the primary metric that you’ll use to compare the different loan estimates you get from different lenders. Of course, you should do a thorough comparison of the loan options, including lender and other fees and factor in the APR, but as a general metric, the interest rate is a good way to kick off those initial comparisons.

A pro loan officer will be able to help you holistically compare the cost of the loan options you’re weighing against each other, taking into account the total cost of the loan and how long you’re likely to keep the mortgage or home, as these can affect which loan program will be the best option for you.

How Much Will My Monthly Payment Be?

Some buyers might be thinking in the long term and really focused on the interest rate or total cost of the loan, but others may be focused on the affordability of that monthly mortgage payment. Neither one is wrong!

You should consider those factors hand-in-hand and find the right balance for your personal finances.

Your loan officer should help you weigh the loan options you’re considering against one another and help you strike the right balance of the best loan terms while also staying in the target range you need to be in to feel comfortable with your monthly mortgage payment.

How Can I Get Pre-Qualified?

Now that you’ve got the big questions out of the way, you’re making your way down to the more nitty-gritty. Something you’ll want to make sure that your lender offers is the ability to get pre-qualified.

Getting pre-qualified or pre-approved will help your offer stand out amongst those from other buyers because it shows you’re further along in the process and that you have already worked with a lender. It’s an indication that you are very likely to meet the criteria necessary to get approved for your loan. To the seller, this means that you’ll be able to come to the closing table and make the home sale go through for them.

When you’re talking with your lender about the pre-approval process, they should be able to explain exactly what you’ll need to provide to get pre-approved. They should also be able to provide a pre-approval or pre-qualification letter that you can share with your real estate agent or the seller.

How Much Are My Closing Costs Going to Be?

Finally, as you inch closer to the finish line, you’ll want to check into how much money you’ll need to come to the closing table with, otherwise known as your closing costs.

Your closing costs will include property-related fees, loan-related fees, mortgage insurance fees, property taxes, and any title fees.

Your expert loan officer will help keep you updated about what to expect to pay at the closing table. They should also help you find ways to reduce those costs, either through closing cost assistance options or seller contributions.

Now, you should be ready with both a list of questions and answers that you should expect to get from any mortgage lender hoping to earn your business.

These questions are vitally important to ensure you’re ready for the mortgage process ahead and so that you get the best service and best deal on your next home loan.

If you’re looking for an expert team who can help you answer these questions about your next mortgage, get in touch with one of our loan officers today.

The included content is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional advice. Additional terms and conditions apply. Not all applicants will qualify. Consult with a finance professional for tax advice or a mortgage professional to address your mortgage questions or concerns. This is an advertisement. Prepared 11/30/2023.